The Bristol Condominium Financial Strategy
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

The undersigned unit owners of The Bristol Condominium vehemently oppose the Board's proposal to levy a $4M special assessment. We firmly assert that there exist far more sensible and feasible financial strategies to meet the building’s ongoing financial needs.
These owners would like to see a financial strategy that incorporates the following three key principles:
- Prioritize, cadence, and smartly source all Capital Expenditure projects: address the most critical building systems first and postpone all non-essential projects until the financial situation of the building improves.
- Make substantial reductions to operating expenses, targeting all large expense areas with objectivity and bias towards the needs of the broader community.
- Phase in any additional regular or special assessments from unit owners over a reasonable and realistic time frame.
In addition, the owners urge you to implement the following measures to guarantee the prudence and transparency of future financial decisions:
- Conduct all discussions related to financial matters in a public forum that is open to all unit owners, including those who live elsewhere, consistent with the law.
- Establishment of a financial strategy working group including non-board members and external subject matter experts to explore all options to ensure long-term financial stability of The Bristol are explored.
- Afford unit owners the opportunity to attend all Finance Committee meetings as ‘observing non-members’ of the committee.
- Engage the Bristol community and hold townhall meetings to solicit its input on financial and operational matters, in person, via zoom, and with adequate notice.
- Hold a special election to elect new board members to fill the vacant board seats.
We are eager to collaborate with you on improving the financial stability and reputation of our cherished Bristol.