The Bridge Close Redevelopment
We the Business Community of Bridge Close formed the Bridge Close Business Alliance to enable us to speak as one voice. We employ hundreds and hundreds of local people, professional and skilled trades men and women, part-time working mothers and fathers, we offer apprenticeships to school leavers and late learners. All of whom form part of Havering's local community. To the benefit of all.
We strongly oppose the Bridge Close Redevelopment and the London Borough of Havering and its associated partners proposal to demolish and create a residential development in Bridge Close. This determined act to evict us from our land and develop for themselves will displace all and in some instances force closure of our thriving local family run manufacturing and engineering businesses.
Why? We cannot relocate in Romford or in Havering where there are good road, rail or bus links. Reasoning: All industrial land close to these links is being swallowed up by the council and its associated developers to make way for 1,000's and 1,000's of flats. But at what cost and to who's benefit?
Question: Cost & Benefactors?
Answer: Cost - Skilled Employment in Family run Manufacturing & Engineering Businesses
Answer: Benefactors - Council & Developers port folios
This November/December 2019 The council will be applying to the Secretary of State for permission to issue Compulsory Purchase Orders to evict us from Bridge Close.
On the 13th November, the council will ask councilors to agree to their application to use this mighty tool.
The Compulsory Purchase Order is a government instrument that will enable the Joint Venture Partners (Council & Developers) to take our land at a price they consider fair, but the Bridge Close business community has been blighted by illegal trading which the council has allowed to take place as far back as 2013. The price is not a fair price and neither is the process.
We strongly oppose this development in our home town, not just because we will be displaced or extinguished, but we truly believe it will cause further chaos and over crowding to the already struggling roads, car parks, infants, junior, senior and sixth form schools, doctor and dental surgeries, hospital, and the rest of the fragile infrastructure of our much-loved Romford.
Please support our fight to keep our skilled manufacturing and engineering local jobs for local people.