The Baby Circuit - Quality Care
Childtime is the location that we have chosen to trust our children with on a daily basis. We made these decisions based on the atmosphere, curriculum, safety, cleanliness and the baby circuit it provides to our children.
The baby circuit is the variety of types of infant equipment used in the room in a rotational format including bouncers, swings, playmats, carpeted toy area, etc. The baby circuit provides the ability for our children to get stimulation, be socialized by sitting in small infant circles, have the ability to use motion for soothing and continuously keeps the children engaged in different activities in small intervals throughout the day. The baby circuit simulates what many of us as parents do throughout our daily home routines.
The baby circuit is also a safe way to control the amount of infants in the room so that more specialized care for development and growth can occur with each child. It also helps to control the amount of illness or health issues in the room by allowing children face time without directly breathing on one another. Since the removal of these items there have been safety concerns, health issues, crying babies, upset parents and teachers.
Overall, the baby circuit is better for the health, safety and care of our children and we petition Childtime to reinstate the bouncers and swings for the well-being of our children. The caregivers at our facility are great at using the baby circuit method and we trust that our children will be moved and stimulated regularly. Many of us chose this facility for the use of these items. In the event that the baby circuit is removed and these items not used, we all will be seriously seeking other childcare facilities that accommodate our children's needs. We want what is best for OUR children!