The Advancement of Renewable Energy Sources

Our current society uses fossil fueld to suffice the demanding energy needs that are required to maintain it. However, even though right now we are able to satisfy all of the energy needs, every day is becoming more essential that we manage to find a viable substitute to replace fossil fuels. The reason for this is because fossil fuels are not an ecological and limitless energy source. This is causing several grave negative impacts to society, as well as the planet. These negative impacts are already affecting society in a global scale, and are only going to get worse as we keep maintaining fossil fuels as our primary energy source.
First of all, it is important to emphasize that fossil fuels are not a renewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form. This means that as we keep using it not much is being regained, and at our current pace, fossil fuels will deplete completely much sooner than we expect. In the process of depletion, the cost of fossil fuels will start rising rapidly, which would increase the price to fill the gas tank of a car exponentially. Moreover, apart from affecting society economically, the use of fossil fuels also affects in a negative way the environment. The combustion of fossil fuels, which is the way humans manage to gain energy from it, liberates large amounts of carbon dioxide. The accumulation of this carbon dioxide goes over the limit that the ecosystem can withstand. This breaks the environment's balance, and thus resulting in the contamination of the ecosystem. Due to the large amounts of pollution caused by the fossil fuels, the whole environment starts deteriorating. A series of negative effects such as climate change, acid rain, air pollution, and depletion of the ozone layer, begin the appear. These environmental changes take a big toll on humans because it starts generating health problems. Heart disease, lung disease, and cancer are just some of the many adverse health effects that the use of fossil fuels causes.
In proposing a solution to this energy crisis, more funding and research needs to be made in respects to making our world a more energy conservative planet. There are so many forms of alternate fuel out there that can be used today for our transportation needs, and they can be even more cost efficient, sustainable, non-polluting, and accessible to everyone in the world. Some already proven alternate fuel sources can be from: ethanol-produced domestically from corn and other crops to produce less greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline, biodiesel fuel- derived from vegetable oils and animal fats to produce less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel, natural gases- fossil fuels that generate less air pollutants than greenhouse gases, propane-a domestically abundant fossil fuel source that generates less harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases, and even hydrogen gas- produced domestically from fossil fuels, nuclear power, or renewable resources; hydrogen can power fuel cell vehicles while emitting no harmful air pollutants at all. There are even other sources of fuel that can potentially replace the usage of gasoline. Using electrical energy to power our vehicles can possibly rejuvenate the way we use our cars to get where we are going. Cars would be charged every night after use to provide accessible energy for the next day. Solar energy can also be another alternative for a fuel source by converting the energy of the sun's heat rays into disposable forms of stored horsepower. The Sun is a great source of energy during the day and its energy can be saved and stored to be used at night. Therefore, many forms of energy exist in the world, but being able to capture and store that energy into the consumption of society is possibly the reason why we haven't made any major advancements in this field yet.
Furthermore, worldwide demand for energy consumption is constantly growing. As the supply of crude oil and gasoline goes down, the demand for alternate fuel sources goes up. Being able to establish an alternate source of fuel and energy for our nation and other countries should greatly influence our economy as well as those of other nations. Since there is so much demand for alternate energy, countries would be willing to pay any amount for the enhancement of their nation. Finding and applying a new alternate source of fuel could by far change the world in a positive way. Millions of dollars would be saved and allocated in the advancement and distribution of the alternate energy source and we should definitely see a boost in the economy with the production of more jobs with bigger corporations who are making use of the alternate energy.
In any case, the study for the advancement of alternate energies needs to be progressed throughout the world. We need to take better care of our environment and our eco-system to ensure a better tomorrow for our children and our children's children. The importance for alternate fuel is growing, and it will only continue to increase until it is achieved throughout the world. As a nation we must come together to promote the study and research of this act because we can't afford to damage our environment any longer. Taking action is all about getting up and doing what you believe is right, and not staying at home wishing you could do something. It is hard for one person to make a change, but if everyone tries to make a change together then anything is possible.