Screw You We\'re from Texas For Texas State Song
We feel that the current Texas state song \"Texas Our Texas\" is out date and out of touch with Texans of today. Few Texans can even name the current state song and far fewer know the lyrics. Therefore, we petition the State of Texas to change the \"State Song\" to \"Screw You We\'re From Texas\" by Ray Wylie Hubbard, the words to which are known to any true Texan and used frequently by all Texans even if they are not singing the song. . Mr. Hubbard is a proud son of Texas and a legend in Texas music who portrays the modern values and sentiments of Texans in the 21st century, which makes him the perfect choice for this honor. *DISCLAIMER* In the event Kinky Freidman is elected Governor of Texas this document will become null and void as this would be the first matter he would attend to.