Citizens for Wise County 0

Texans For Logical Noise Law

52 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Citizens for Wise County 0 Comments
52 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The reason for this petition is it to help prevent and proactively curb the negligent nuisances and intentional nuisances related to Texas noise makers as supported by the Texas Supreme Court. As in the case Crosstex North Texas Pipeline L.P. v. Andrew and Shannon Gardiner, in its opinion, the Texas Supreme Court noted that a nuisance is a particular legal injury that occurs where a landowner’s use or enjoyment of their land is interfered with by another party.

This petition is the result of my frustration with noise related to a new strip mining rock quarry being built on-top of our only Wise County Park and across the lake from my small ranch and lake house. After a weeks’ worth of complaining to the Local County Judge, the TCEQ, and the Rail Road Commission (all saying the other can help), I finally learned that in Texas the County Government has no rights in creating ordinances and the TCEQ and RRC cannot deal with noise or rock surface mining. In Texas; there is no protection for land owners from negligent and intentional creators of noise and nuisances except to take those to court.

Where I live, Chico Texas; Rock quarry strip mines are getting more and more blatantly disrespectful with their negligent and intentional nuisances. First there was Blue Star within 1500 feet of the city limit and 20 feet from Hwy 101, then PK Stone within 1500 feet of the city limit and 20 feet from 1810, and now HL Mining is 5 feet from Wise County Park and Lake Bridgeport. If 5 feet from a public park is not a negligent/intentional nuisance, I'm not sure what is? Citizens must say enough is enough. We don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, but please, if you step on our toes we must react. Please voice your opinion that enough is enough.

Please join in voicing your opinion that Texas State Government must create a permitting system and or laws related to industries operating noisy operations, or allow Local County governments to create ordinances for the same purpose. Some logical common sense limits must be established for noisy operators to exist within homes, public parks, public lakes, highway entrance, and city limits. Else we have strip mines showing up 5 feet from our local county parks and county land and nothing can be done about it, like has happened in Wise County.

Either Texas State Government needs to make the ordinances (which would be ideal given the Texas Supreme Court rulings) or simply allow Local County Governments to create noise nuisance ordinances that the public approves.

Please sign.

Or noise like this might show up next to your own property just outside city limits and your local government will not help. Or worse, members of your local government might even be the catalyst of the nuisance because they believe it is legal and had no consideration for the neighbors in the area, as has happened in this situation.

Dec 2019, Leaves have fallen and the noise is significantly worse.!AmCxsA0YMtbT618siKtQchyRJC_E

Oct 2019, just more and more evidence that this issue will be getting worse, and it's pathetic a Canadian citizen is creating this noise next to our county park and lake while our Texas law makers love and endorse it by ignoring the issue.!AmCxsA0YMtbT4hyyMfJjCuvwTd9S

April 26 2019, crusher noise, equipment beeping, often hear motor revving.!AmCxsA0YMtbT4RbA7rdfifhUeVs5

Aug 1 2018, while they were bull dozing 200 acres of trees!AmCxsA0YMtbT3BKIWu5XlvWGbZ7U!AmCxsA0YMtbT3Aj7SFxpUGUpGR4J

Arial Lake Wise County Park before:!AmCxsA0YMtbT3BOeR-NpsMddDWMD

Arial Lake Now:!AmCxsA0YMtbT3BSVY5xWHe9V7Yv_

The main difference between the old existing quarries and this new quarry is the old quarries are on the opposite side of topology (other side of the mountain) where as the new quarry is on the lake's side of topology and essentially creates an amphitheater on a hill over the lake/water. We all should know that sound over water is amplified:

See Page 7: Iss...

The latest Texas Supreme Court ruling determines that land owners should be protected from industrial nuisances. Yet no laws exist to help in this protection.

And please, if anyone reading has a Reddit account (good Karma) Reddit's /r/TexasPolitics sub-Reddit is highly frequented by the media so engaging in this discussion will keep this issue in front of the media, which is huge! The truly concerned and supportive media is our only hope for reform.

Here is another example of a single land owner/mining company ruining a public park.

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