Test RADON and EMF in Ohio! Save Our Families!

Senator John Glenn called Ohio a "Mini-Hiroshima" in the New York Times to bring world attention to the massive tons of lethal radioactive uranium buried in the state. Today, Ohio has the highest levels of RADON Gas, a silent killer. This problem doubles with cell phone towers; power transformers; and home electronics which can render high levels of electromagnetic field radiation or EMF. EMF over 50 Hz/Gram Stetzer Units can cause the body to absorb RADON deep into tissue contributing to fatal cancer and other disease. Dr. Rhoda Zione Alale, PhD, RN and her family were seriously injured by radioactive gases and high levels of EMF radiation (over 3000%) in their Ohio home. Together, they fight now, with The MiChi Health Epicenter | Dayton, OH ( 937 223 5500 ), to make sure your family is not injured too! Please TEST your home for RADON Gas and EMF Radiation and sign this P E T I T I O N. Please help us get the word out by emailing it to your doctor; church; hospital; civic organization; friends; and every member of your family. More information is available on at www.google.com Re: Dr. Rhoda Zione Alale or Dr. Rhoda Zione. __Test RADON and EMF in Ohio! Save Our Families!__ I / We, the undersigned, due hereby petition the Ohio Legislation to support the â