This petition is to allow all grandparents to have some say in the raising of the children of domestic abuse, where the children currently reside, permanently or temporarily, and are being raised by the abuser. There is no voice for Grandparents. This has to change. When does a Mother or a Father stop being a Parent Who decides when we stop being grandparents There is no law that allows us to see our grandchildren after there has been a heinous crime and the children grow up not knowing their biological grandparents. This has to stop. With your signature and input we can change these laws. There are thousands of Grandparents being kept from their grandchildren because the remaining spouse says it is so. When will this end It will end with the support of all of you. You may or not be in the same situation, you may feel you never could be. NEITHER DID WE. We have given the children a voice now let us give the Grandparents one. Please sign this petition so that this law can be passed and taken seriously; so that others will not have to suffer the pain of never knowing their Grandchildren. With your help, we can get these laws changed. OUR GOAL IS TO GET ONE MILLION SIGNATURES. CAN YOU HELP