Termination of Terry Atchley-Reinstate JIM HAY
Below you will find all the Information you need on the “Elimination” of Mr. Jim Hay.
This is a 13 year veteran of the City of Wauchula. He held MANY positions from IT Administrator, GIS Coordinator, Airport Manager and also took care of remappingthe City Cemetery. He was Also the Assistant Director of Public Works for about ayear. He started as a garbage man riding the back of the garbage truck!
When Mr. Hay found himself Overwhelmed with work he asked the City Manager toback him down to what he was prior to accepting the Assistant Public Works Directorposition. Mr Atchley agreed and stated “I always told you if you took on too much, Iwould back you back down”.
And that Mr. Atchley did. He removed the title of Assistant Director of Public Works.But, he also lowered Mr. Hay’s Pay by $6.40/hour. The Raise received by Mr. Hay forthe Assistant Director position was only .42/hour. What? You be the judge.
And it gets worse. Mr. Hay confronted Mr. Atchley about the reduction in pay. Behindclosed doors Mr. Atchley yelled, cussed and TOLD Mr. Hay he made too much money anyway. He could either take the pay cut or quit!
A few weeks later, Mr. Hay’s email stopped working, all his Administrator passwordsto all servers, email etc had been changed. They next morning, Mr. Hay was “Eliminated” by Terry Atchley the City Manager.FULL DETAILS HERE: http://goo.gl/DhRpzt
Airport Board Meeting where Pilots & Citizens Support Jim Hayhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Cq4Orsw7c0
Commission Meeting where Citizens and Pilots Support Jim Hay
Citizens Standing up and recent Rally in Support of Jim Hay
Airport Board Meeting-Authority Members try to Reinstate Mr Hay but relationshipbetween One board member and the City Manager is “Personal”