Terminate corruption in India

In India, corruption takes place every day at the utmost levels of government. 50% of India’s resources are being put into corruption and it is severely impacting India. For one, corruption is the single biggest reason India is not achieving its economic potential, thus ruining any chance the millions of people in poverty have of coming out of it. Additionally, because of corruption, multi-million dollar CEO’s have decided not to locate or expand in India. This is a huge issue because its affecting India’s potential for economic growth, therefore making it impossible for India to escape the poverty it is currently neck deep in. Because of the many pressing reasons above, I insist a new approach be tried. A three year trial will take place, and it will take not only the Indian government’s consent but also yours. I request the wages for all government positions to be noticeably increased, yet in return the government officials are held accountable. If corruption is proven, consequences stated in the recently adopted Lokpal Bill with be enforced. It has been proven on multiple occasions that paying government officials higher salaries helps reduce the tendency to act corruptly, mainly because it weakens the desire to act in self interest; this being one of the main causes of corruption. To make this possible, taxes will be increased by 10% across the board for a 3 year trial period. After 3 years the outcome will be assessed and further adjustments will be made accordingly. I strongly urge you to sign, in the hope for a better future for all. Multiple occations: https://docs.google.com/a/asbindia.org/document/d/1433LEDlDyKeQqPQPnFQo0wr-XhAExu_TlSsqHbv4jdk/edit