Term limits for US Senators

For one, I am tired of seeing the same faces in Congress for decades and they are doing so little except arguing and fighting with each other. They seem to think they are so elite and the rest of the country is beneath them. It seems as if we have two countries: Washington, D.C., and the rest of our country.
Let's have term limits for senators. They can serve for six years and be re-elected for six more. Twelve years is a very long time. After the 12th year they are out. And if they are so terrific, after six years of not serving they can run again.
Term limits for representatives would be a term of four years with re-election for four more years. Eight years is a long time to serve loyally. After four years out, they can run again for another term.
Another motivation for better government would be a strong third party. Right now our leaders are wasting time, money and effort to serve our people. Change is badly needed.
John Caprari
Lower Nazareth Township