Robert Benson 0

Tell US Senator Dick Durbin No NFL Saints bounty hearings

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The United States Senate has more important things to have hearings on then the New Orleans Saints Bounty System. However Illinois Senator Dick Durbin has asked the US Senate to have hearings on this issue even though Senator Durbin himself acknowledged that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's office acted "swiftly" to deal with this problem. Commissioner Goodell dealt the New Orleans Saints the following punishment: Saints head coach Sean Payton is suspended without pay for the entire 2012 season! Former Saints/current Rams defensive coordinator Gregg Williams is suspended indefinitely! Assistant head coach Joe Vitt is suspended without pay for the first six games of the 2012 season! Saints GM Mickey Loomis is suspended without pay for the first eight Games of the 2012 season! The Saints are stripped of their 2012 and 2013 second-round draft picks and have been hit with a $500,000 fine! This was a serious violation of NFL rules and Commissioner Goodell's punishment was appropriate and necessary to protect the NFL's integrity. The Senate Assistant Majority Leader Senator Dick Durbin doesn't need to use the Senate to assist Commissioner Goodell in what Durbin described as to "protect their players and the integrity of their sports." Commissioner Goodell has gone beyond any of his predecessors to protect NFL players health by lobbying for rule changes that have reduced serious head injury. Any NFL fan is aware of the extent that Commissioner Goodell has gone to protect NFL players from serious head injury. Now the Commissioner is protecting players by creating a safer work environment so that no NFL player cannot be rewarded by an administrative employee, coach, or outside booster for a performance bounty. The NFL has an existing policy on bounties and Commissioner Goodell is working with the NFLPA to address the culture surrounding bounties. The US Senate needs to focus on the US citizen that is unemployed, the US student who is under educated, and the US senior citizen that is wondering if they will have medical care and social security. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has proven he can address NFL problems and requires no help from the US Senate. However the US Senate is not as effective in dealing with it's own problems. Senator Dick Durbin please do not hold judiciary hearings on the bounty system. Mr Robert C Benson Chicago Il


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