Tell Trudeau No Exclusions in Bill C-7
Pat Douglas 0

Tell Trudeau No Exclusions in Bill C-7

1024 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Pat Douglas 0 Comments
1024 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The RCMP are about to form their first ever Union!

Bill C-7 basically explains what the membership can bargain on, and Trudeau and his fellow Liberals want to muzzle the RCMP on having any say on their safety and equipment. Leaving only their pay and benefits open for discussion.

RCMP are now 65th in pay out of police forces with over fifty members and their benefits are continuously being erroded!

Tell Trudeau to Respect the Lives of RCMP members!

Remove All Exclusions from Bill C-7 (except striking)

RCMP must be given unfettered voices, just like every other unionized Police force in Canada has.

"No worker is inherently vulnerable. Workers are made vulnerable by laws that facilitate relationships of inequality and laws that fail to address exploitation. We need to name both: how that inequality is constructed and who benefits from it."

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