Tell Harper 'Bring Refugees to Canada'
It is time for Canadian people to take back our country. We are losing our humanity under the Harper Government.
Help me spread the news to people around the world that Canadian citizens' have not lost our humanity; however the Prime Minister did take away our freedom to be humanitarians.
I say loud and proud, give us back our sense of decency and pride Mr. Harper, this is our country, not yours.
I, for one, will not sit back, and watch the horror of genocide, and apathy destroying millions of children, women and men.
Will we ever learn from history? WW1 and WW2: I implore Canadians, do not allow religion and politics to stop us from rescuing as many people that we possible can. Each little life is precious.
Show your support Canada. Remember what makes us unique, our humanity, from giving sanctuary to black population fleeing from slavery and death in America to welcoming Jewish children into our homes to save them from the Nazi death camps. That is the Canada that made me proud of my heritage.
I want to save as many children as possible. I hope at least 10,000 people in Canada agree, and will stand up to our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.