Texas Needs Ted Nugent!
signers. Add your name now!
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Right NOW we need everyone, regardless of where you live, to send a message to Texas Governor Rick Perry. Let him know that you would like to have Ted Nugent appointed to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Directors post. I can’t think of a better person for that job and we need good Conservative leadership in all posts, this one in particular. If you are a hunter, a trapper, a fisherman, or an outdoors lover this post should be very important to you. Ted Nugent will do ALL Texans proud in this spot. And by extension, show the rest of the nation what TRUE leadership looks like. Please do us all a favor and sign this petition asking Gov. Rick Perry to make this appointment.
The TexasFred Blog
The American and Proud Blog