Technology For Our Future
We are concerned about the devaluing of Technology Education through the significant reduction in teaching hours proposed for Stage 4 and Stage 5 in the National Curriculum currently under development. Due to the extent of the content being considered for the earlier phases of the Curriculum development, Technology Education is in danger of being marginalised. There will not be sufficient time to adequately address these subjects, which are essential in preparing today's young people for work and the fluid, technology rich, Life After School. Technology is indispensable to an effective curriculum that can enable future Australians to be innovative, entrepreneurial and responsive to the changing needs of the world around them. Technology courses involve real world applications of maths and science; multimodal literacy, education in design, sustainability and the built environment; project management; integration of a broad range of ICT skills into curriculum, including computer modelling and simulation, computer controlled design and manufacture; development of spatial abilities; co-operative learning and skills for effectively evaluating products and processes. The designers, engineers and architects of tomorrow rely on the unique skills and knowledge developed through the study of Technology subjects. Please ensure that this important discipline maintains the teaching hours that it enjoys in the current curriculum structure.