Team Kardashian

We believe the Kardashian sisters are smart, beautiful, hard working women. Kim Kardashian has been getting a lot of back lash for things that are simple mistakes. 80% of people have sex about 50% probably record it, it wasn't her intention for the video to be leaked therefore why should she be blamed? She has worked hard since she was a teen to make her money. If anyone would get to know her they would see all that she does and how hard she has been working almost all her life. I think sex tape aside she and her sisters are great role models. They are family orientated, beautiful, and don't need a man to live off of. All the anti-Kardashian petitions need to stop. Why does her personal life and success bother others so much? If you don't like them don't watch the show and don't buy their amazing products! Don't hate please, boycotting someone and their family is just awful you should all be ashamed! We are Team Kardashian sign if you agree.