Teach Web Progrmaming III in JavaScript
Braeden Tylbor 0

Teach Web Progrmaming III in JavaScript

20 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Braeden Tylbor 0 Comments
20 people have signed. Add your voice!
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During the fall 2021 semester, we will be taking Web Programming III with Claudiu Scotnotis. It has come to our attention that we will be using ASP.NET for the majority if not all our course load instead of JavaScript. This is concerning because

a. JavaScript is more widely used in the industry (second most used language according to North Eastern University https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/most-popular-programming-languages/)

b. JavaScript is seen as more as a necessity in the workforce as it is reported that 67% of developers use JavaScript as their primary language in their career (https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2020)

c. Node.js is the most used frameworks/library with over 50% of the industry using Node.js to develop their software (https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2020).

d. We have spent the past 3 semesters over 3 separate courses learning with JavaScript (User Interfaces, Web Programming I, Web Programming II). Considering that Web Programming III will be considered as an advanced course, we will have to learn how to use the ASP.NET environment while simultaneously learning advanced web programming concepts for a language that isn’t widely used in industry.

e. If you look at most of the job of the market right now, the majority of them require the use of Node.js, React.js, Vue.js, etc. None of them mention the use of ASP.net.

420.B0, Techniques de l'informatique is described as a career program, meaning that we are supposed to be prepared to enter the job market after completion of said program. By teaching Web Programming II in ASP.NET, Claudiu will not be properly preparing us for the changing job market, one that now is dominated by JavaScript.

As well, we have consulted previous JAC Comp Sci graduates that they have all shared the same view about the ASP.NET program. They all mentioned their dissatisfaction with the outdated curriculum as it didn’t properly prepare them for their future careers. Most of these students had to learn these frameworks on their own time which put them at a disadvantage while looking for a job.

This sentiment is shared by many students and teachers alike, both believing that teaching Web Programming III using JavaScript is the optimal way of preparing us for our future careers.

If you share this sentiment, please follow this link to fill out a petition saying that you want Web Programming II taught in JavaScript. We are stronger in numbers and if the majority of computer science students believe in this, Claudiu will be forced to change.

We will be bringing this to the chairs of computer sciences that’s why it is greatly appreciated if you sign to support this cause.

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