TC EdM Re-elect Cohort Representatives Every Year
Daniel Caffarel 0

TC EdM Re-elect Cohort Representatives Every Year

29 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Daniel Caffarel 0 Comments
29 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Teachers College Ed.M. Students: 

I'm writing to ask you to sign this petition asking the faculty to re-elect our cohort's representative for the coming year. I think the best practice going forward is to allow re-elections every year rather than allow the first-year representative to become the second-year representative automatically. This allows students to run in their second year once they understand more about the program. It also allows future cohorts to replace representatives who aren't acting in their best interests or aren't providing the best opportunities for their voices to be heard. You have the opportunity to sign anonymously   Please sign this petition. 

 Thanks. Daniel Caffarel


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