Andrew Jones 0

Land Securities: No Vehicular Use of Hitcham Road Access Point

34 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Andrew Jones 0 Comments
34 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the undersigned Petition Land Securities, for the safety of local residents, to reconsider the day to day use of the Hitcham Road Access Point of the Bishop Centre Development within the terms of the planning permission and to restrict to routine access to pedestrians/cyclists only (with provision for use in exceptional circumstances as a vehicle access point).

As local residents, we realise planning has been granted for vehicular access but appeal to you to exercise discretion when implementing this permission.

We ask for this based on our safety and that of our children as we believe that allowing vehicles to use this access point will increase the flow of traffic along Hag Hill Lane.

Hag Hill Lane is the sole pedestrian route off the Hag Hill estate (including for school children of all aged) and does not have pavement along the majority of its length.

Please do not put commercial need above the safety of local residents and their children.

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