Tourists Against Poisoning Animals at Lesbos

We all love Lesvos very much. Although the beauty of this island is overwhelming, there is a shadow hanging above it all the time...we cannot close our eyes for the suffering of too many animals we see all around. Especially the poisoning of thousands of animals, straycats and dogs, repeatedly murdered.. we cannot accept any longer. It is amazing that such a rich culture is not doing more to protect the welness of their animals, which are big part of nature. Animal rights and welfare.. only seem to exist on paper..the reality often shows negligence, cruelty, lack of RESPECT for the weakest in this living society. Because the animals cannot speak for themselves we, tourists, want to give them a voice and will speak in their place. Animals do have rights that urgently need to be respected. Animals can feel, they can have pain and feel sad..just like people do. We herewith want to ask your attention and support to come up for all these wonderful creatures, that need our compassion and support so much. Please open your heart and sign this petition, which will be sent to the responsibles, the Government of lesvos, Greece and the Secreteriat general of Communication, Greek National Service for Tourism . We thank you very much, in name of all animals of Lesvos. Antisse