Tanja School needs affordable access to Tanja Hall.

The Tanja students are the Tanja community and need to be viewed as such by the Bega Valley Shire Council and Tanja Hall committee. An establishment and continuance of connection, respect and appreciation of the hall by the children would ensure that the hall is maintained, celebrated and utilised well into the future as they will become the future hall committee and future community leaders. It would be beneficial that they grow into future leaders with fond memories of the hall, rather than it being an isolated building removed from their educational experiences.
The current proposal made by the Hall Committee and Bega Valley Shire Council would see the school paying $600 per year plus hall key deposit fee.
This is beyond the reach of the school budget.
By signing this petition you are supporting a request for the proposed fee structure to be reconsidered and take into further consideration the importance of this hall being an essential part of our children's lives.