Talia's Petition

Hello everyone,
I am starting this petition in hopes of collecting as many signatures as possible and presenting it to the mayor of Edmonton. I, along with many Edmonton dog owners, are fed up with dogs being let off leash in on leash areas/paths. The main reason for this petition is for the safety of our pets (and their owners). It is a proven fact that some dogs are more reactive when on a leash. My 13 year old JRT, Talia, is living proof of this. She will go to doggy daycare and hang out with any and all dogs and love them all, but if you take her for a leashed walk and she sees a dog, she reacts. Fortunately, she is small enough that I can pick her up if we come across an off leash dog, however, this has led to me being bit. Although it was not too serious, it often crosses my mind that if it was Talia that actually got bit, she may not be here any more; and. If the same situation happened to someone with a child, the child could be seriously injured. I know that some dogs are "friendly", but if they run up to a dog that is on a leash, the leashed dog may react. causing a reaction from the "friendly" dog, and in turn. no good can come of this. I understand that many dogs are well behaved off-leash, but this is why there are many off leash parks in Edmonton and surrounding areas. It is not fair for us responsible dog owners who stay in on-leash areas and who know our dogs want to be left alone while walking on a leash. This situation happens to me at least a couple times a month, and I am beyond frustrated and fed up. I have called the City of Edmonton several times, but they will not do anything unless they know where the off-leash dog lives. I'm sorry, but the last thing I want to do after having a dramatic episode of a dog running up to me while I hold my dog up in the air so she won't bite, while the off leash dog jumps all over me, ignoring the frantic owner running around screaming their name, is try to follow them back to their house. Talia and I are fed up! We just want to get in our daily walk with no drama and without the fear that one of us, or another dog could be injured. Please sign this petition if you would like to see the City of Edmonton (and surrounding areas), place stricter punishment on this by-law and actually monitor on leash areas that have this problem. Let's keep Talia and all of our dogs safe!