Give us back Takki & Tsubasa together again

Speaking in the name of fans from all over the world, we're asking Johnny's Entertainment to let Takizawa Hideaki and Imai Tsubasa work together again, after more than 6 months full of solo works. We definitely appreciate their dedication and all their work to organise solo activities. We do know how much these works are important to them, but to us Takki & Tsubasa are first of all a UNIT meant to work together. We T&T fans fought to see them together and have cheered for them ever since they were juniors. Even if we have great esteem for the solo career, we also need to feel the emotions they are able to convey ONLY when they are together. We feel like we should respect their decisions, but mostly we want to trust them, because we are sure that their comeback is going to be awesome. But...we are at least asking for some explanation. In our opinion Takki & Tsubasa will always be one, so please, let us see them together again, let us celebrate the 7th anniversary, 8th, 9th..up to the 20th anniversary and on of this unit. As much a fan of Tsubasa can love Tsubasa, and as much a Takki fan can love Takki, noone of these two kinds of love can reach the greatness of a love that a fan feels for Takki & Tsubasa, for BOTH OF THEM together. Because Takki won't be complete without Tsubasa, neither will Tsubasa be complete without Takki.