Take the Pledge!
alysson baker 0

Take the Pledge!

224 signers. Add your name now!
alysson baker 0 Comments
224 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I, as a Sebastopol Charter School parent and as a member of our beautiful Sebastopol community, want to demonstrate my sincere commitment to being good neighbors. I recognize and honor our neighbors' rightful desire that there be no school traffic on their neighborhood streets.

I am ready to Take the Pledge!

I promise:

  • I will NEVER use Hurlbut, E. Hurlbut, Apple Blossom Lane, or any other neighborhood street to drive to or from school.
  • I will NEVER drop-off or pick-up students on Hurlbut or E. Hurlbut.
  • When arriving by car, I will ALWAYS access the campus from its ONLY entrance on Highway 116.
  • I will ALWAYS obey the stop signs where the school driveway crosses the trail, and I will ALWAYS check carefully for walkers and bicyclists before. I understand that trail users have the right of way.
  • I will ALWAYS respect the maximum driveway and parking lot speed of 10 mph.
  • I will ALWAYS either park in a designated parking space to drop-off and pick-up students OR use a designated drop-off/pick-up zone.
  • I will NEVER block the drive aisle: if the drop-off/pick-up zone is full, I will make another transit of the parking loop until there is space available in the drop-off/pick-up zone.
  • I will ALWAYS use crosswalks, both on-campus and off-campus, and I will instruct my child(ren) to do so as well.
  • I will NEVER park in spaces reserved for West County Trail users during the times designated.

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