TAKE DOWN APPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apple Inc. IS destroying the economy Purpose of Petition to stop Apple from stifling innovation 1. Apple is stifling innovation by not allowing competition in a extremely competitive market. 2. Not only is apple hurting manufacters and the economy it is hurting retailers. Best buy who is currently in danger of closing down eventually cannot afford for a best seller to leave its shelf without having consequences. 3. The Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab 10.1 Are now banned in the US 4. We the consumers must fight back against the big bad apple. 5. Ways you can fight back A. Sign this Petiton B. Write apple directly. C. Do not give Apple any money don't go on Apples Website, Don't buy apps from the App store or music from Itunes find another way to get it . Don't Develop apps for IOS OR MAC D. Don't use Siri E. Dont BUY OR SELL IPHONES BURN THEM AND POST IT TO YOUTUBE OR SEND THE ASHES TO APPLE HEADQUARTERS 6. We the Consumer control Apple without us Apple would be nothing and lets show them whose boss 7. Did you notice Apple only sues its strongest competitors is Apple suing Microsoft,RIM, HUAWEI, AND ZTE 8. THIS IS ONLY BEGGINNING WHATS NEXT THE GALAXY S2, HTC ONE X, DROID RAZR MAXX, AND GALAXY S3 FOR ANDROIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD