Take Action against the displacement of CCSDU Nurses during CoVid19

We the RNs on the CCSDU at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center have some serious concerns and issues with management’s recent decision to close the CCSDU and hire outside staff to fill positions which will be re-designated as COVID-19 surge prep units.
RNs on CCSDU were never given prior notice that our unit would be shut down. Furthermore, we were never given an opportunity to cross-train into the positions which will open up on 7W and which will be re-designated as an ICU COVID-19 surge unit. The options provided to us did not include the ability to volunteer to work in these positions in order to not lose hours of work.
We therefore demanding the following:
That the Medical Center respect our contract and provide bargaining unit RNs an opportunity to work prior to hiring outside staff to perform work;
That the Medical Center give RNs the option to cross-train into these positions so that we do not lose hours of work;
That the Medical Center provide adequate training and orientation while moving into new patient care units.
We expect the Medical Center will take our concerns seriously and do its utmost to respect our contract and give us the option to cross-train into an alternate unit so we may not lose hours of work.
RNs on CCSDU at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center