T-ara should disband!

T-ara, once a much-loved, famous kpop group, has lost many fans and lots of respect after the recent controversy regarding former member Hwayoung, who was kicked out by Core Contents Media CEO Kim Kwangsoo, with many people believing the cause to be bullying within the group. He however claims that this is because he believes that Hwayoung would be better off as a free artist who isn't under CCM. There has been reported evidence of T-ara bullying their fellow member Hwayoung, and we believe that such unfair idols do not deserve to be in the spotlight as a kpop star - while good singing, dancing and rapping is required of a kpop group they of course need good teamwork, kindness and respect to each member, which we believe T-ara is lacking. Therefore we think T-ara should disband and leave the kpop spotlight for other more deserving and kind groups to take. This petition is inspired by the Korean petition asking for the same thing (http://bbs3.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/petition/read?bbsId=P001&articleId=124880&objCate1=1#commentFrame#commentFrame#commentFrame) which has gained over 71,700 signatures which we hope to achieve. We are simply normal fans who have no relation with T-ara but we believe that international fans who cannot understand Korean should have their say, so we hereby establish this petition. If you agree with our petition please do sign it and spread the word to people like you! Thanks in advance.