Phuc Phung 0

Syria Future Bombing

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10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is meant for raising awareness of people to the decisions that the government made recently. This is not meant to create violence or overthrowing the .

As you know, 2 months ago, US along with France and England, bombed Syria at the three chemical weapon facilities. This killed dozens of people, injuring hundreds of citizen. It created major rage and protest in U.S. We all understand that Syria has killed some people with chemical weapons too. But using violence against violence is not a valid option. Syria has announced they will make chemical weapons again despite the damage, and US also announced that they are ready to respond with another airstrike. This could potential create a World War 3 between US and Syria, with their allies. So, it's me who is speaking to you, stand up, take action, find another way. It doesn't have to be this way.

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