Synthetic Marijuana
The people of Jefferson County, NY, petition the City and the County to enact ordinances prohibiting the sale of synthetic marijuana products such as K2, Spice, Legal Phunk, etc. from head shops and convenience stores. K2, Spice, Legal Phunk, products marketed to youth and young adults via flashy colors and designs, consist of dried leaves sprayed with chemical compounds. As these products are legal in parts of the United States, including New York State, many people, especially teens, may be led to believe that they are a safe alternative to marijuana. However, these products are uncontrolled, untested, unpredictable and potentially dangerous to the user. Reactions include heart palpitations, anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations. A significant number of synthetic marijuana users in Jefferson County, NY, and across NY State and the country have required emergency room services; many also have required inpatient mental health hospitalizations. Therefore, these products should be banned.