Switch BVC classes to online to stop the spread of COVID-19

Many experts are now saying that many individuals can contract COVID-19 without showing symptoms for at least 2 weeks. Although the risk currently remains low for Albertans, we need to continue to take precautions to avoid the virus.
Schools are a breeding ground for germs and although young adults are able to recover from the virus, the sentiment doesn’t hold truly for many Canadians who are vulnerable and susceptible to the critical and deadly outcomes.
Many students take buses and trains to school as it is the only option. The city of Calgary states that social distancing should be practiced whenever in public, which means at least a bikes lengths distance. It is safe to say that even in a “small” class of 35, this cannot be practiced.
Online classes would ensure that students can stay home while still continue educational work as normal, without the coming into contact with risks associated with the virus.