Olivia Wisniewski 0

Help Get Stolen Sweater Back from Sister

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Olivia Wisniewski 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
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My Brand New sweater mysteriously disappeared the winter of 2015. At first, I thought I was going crazy, I checked all the places where I usually store my sweaters- my closet, the bottom of the hamper, and even under my bed. I turned to my loved ones for support, and they too denied any involvement with the disappearance of my sweater. With a heavy heart, I realized it was best to give up searching and move on.

But it was when I least expected it the sweater resurfaced.

My own sister made a mistake and posted a snapchat of her wearing my beloved sweater. She has been holding it hostage since and won't tell me where it is.

This is UNACCEPTABLE. Please sign my petition and stop the unethical act of sweater stealing.

We can only do it together.

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