Opposition to SW Boundary Plan 1.1A
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Opposition to SW Boundary Plan 1.1A

477 signers. Add your name now!
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477 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The parents of Southwest Austin are STRONGLY OPPOSED to 1.1A Boundary Plan because it does not meet the objectives set forth by AISD or the task force. The proposed boundary plan 1.1A map can be viewed at www.austin.isd.tenet.edu/inside/docs/bond2004_SWMS_Plan1.1_20081125.pdf More information in general about the issue as posted on AISD website can be viewed at www.austin.isd.tenet.edu/inside/2004bond/boundaries/swmiddleschool.phtml The current plan creates great upheaval at Bailey Middle School. The voices of Baranoff and Bailey parents have not been heard mostly due to not being invited to be involved in the process when it began. We feel that the current proposal works against the objectives of the task force rather than towards achieving those goals. The current proposed boundary changes are as follows: 1. All of Clayton ES and Kiker ES track and the southwest portion of Mills ES tracks to Southwest MS 2. The portion of Sendera south of Slaughter Lane, within the Cowan ES attendance zone, will be reassigned from Covington MS to Bailey MS. 3. The portion of Kocurek ES attendance zone that is east of Manchaca Road, reassigned from Paredes MS to Bailey MS. 4. Olympic Heights subdivision, within the Baranoff ES attendance zone, reassigned from Paredes MS to Bailey MS. 5. The portion of Menchaca ES attendance zone that contains Hillcrest and Great Oaks subdivisions reassigned from Paredes MS to Bailey MS. We are STRONGLY opposed to the current plan 1.1A. The current plan is designed to meet the request and desire of Kiker, Clayton, and Mills students to attend the new SWMS (Southwest Middle School). OBJECTIVE REASONS FOR OUR OPPOSITION: 1. Plan 1.1A DOES NOT serve to accomplish the goals set forth by the task force to maintain continuity of level to level tracking and alignment of feeders. 2. Plan 1.1A creates the need for busing when it is unnecessary. Kiker students will need to be bused whether attending Bailey or the new SWMS. However, the transportation issue is being used as a reason for moving Kiker to the new SWMS, which is not valid. 3. Bailey is currently fed by 3 elementary schools that are all exceptional schools with strong parent support (Kiker, Baranoff, and Clayton). The current plan creates great upheaval at Bailey Middle School. Bailey is a strong middle school. By removing a majority of its current education base, it weakens its ability to deal with change. Bailey parents understand that there is going to be change in our schools, but feel it is ESSENTIAL to have a strong base to support change. BAILEY IS THE ONLY SCHOOL BEING RADICALLY MODIFIED, yet Baranoff parents were not even included in the initial talks. 4. Based on the information presented at the Tuesday, December 2nd meeting, many Mills parents are very upset with the current proposal. This is due to the fact that they are geographically much closer to the SWMS, yet would be required to bus to go to Small Middle School. In fact, based on the AISD website and the proposals by Mills, Mills supports Kiker continuing to feed to Bailey Middle School. Based on the fact that the objectives of the task force are more closely met by this proposal, it is unclear as to why both Baranoff and Mills parents concerns that are directly related to the task force goals are being ignored. 5. The Boundary Plan instead serves to meet the request of Kiker, Mills, and Clayton parents to all attend the new SWMS (Southwest Middle School). There is no logical reason to move Kiker to the new SWMS except to accommodate the wishes of the parents of that school. In fact, it was initially proposed that Kiker would continue to feed to Bailey (or that the portion east of Escarpment would feed to Bailey). Please go to the second website listed above to see the several variations proposed regarding the boundaries (Draft D shows the inclusion of the portion of Kiker feeding to Bailey). We strongly encourage the committee to review the proposals presented in Plan D. 6. Another objective listed by AISD is that all middle schools will achieve Recognized or Exemplary ratings in the State accountability system in the next five years. One of the strategies for implementing this is that AISD will develop, recruit, support, retain, and recognize high quality principals, teachers, and staff at every middle school to ensure that every student has a quality education. (This is listed on the Middle Level Education Plan on AISD website.) Removing two entire elementary schools from the Bailey population will have a tremendous impact on teacher retention. By leaving Kiker or a portion of Kiker at Bailey, Bailey will be much more able to absorb the other changes that may be implemented. After attending the meeting on Tuesday, December 2nd, many of us were alarmed at how much of the discussion revolved around whether kids could ride their bike or how inconvenient it would be for parents (not students) to have to attend extracurricular activities and how little of the public forum was focused on creating TWO strong and vital middle schools. WE STRONGLY OPPOSE PLAN 1.1A and request that Kiker (or the portion of Kiker east of Escarpment) continue to be included in the Bailey Middle School population. We are VERY concerned that Baranoff parents were not included in the initial discussion of this matter and feel that our voice and concerns have not been heard. These are only a few of our concerns. We will update this to include other pertinent information and will be attaching a detailed letter to this petition delineating all of the reasons the current proposal works against the objectives of the task force rather than towards achieving those goals. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR OPPOSITION TO THE CURRENT PLAN 1.1A BY SIGNING THE PETITION. Please include what school (elementary/middle) you are currently a part of and include any comments you would like to have heard. WE STRONGLY OPPOSE PLAN 1.1A and request that Kiker (or the portion of Kiker east of Escarpment) continue to be included in the Bailey Middle School population.


This is sponsored by concerned parents of Baranoff elementary and Bailey middle school.
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