Sussex History Students for Gender Equality
Petitioning Professor Claire Mackie, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), Professor Matthew Cragoe, Head of HAHP, Professor Claire Langhamer, Head of History, Dr. Jim Endersby, Director of Teaching and Learning for HAHP
And all Faculty, Associate Tutors, Professional Services Staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students who convene, teach, facilitate or attend courses in the History department of the University of Sussex.
We, the student body of the History department (and students who take electives in this department) implore you to address the marked gender inequality we feel is present in both the history course content and the wider faculty itself, by implementing these three points by the start of the next academic year (2014/15):
1. To increase the number of lectures given by women faculty, teaching fellows and associate tutors, particularly on the core modules.
2. To include in all courses, but particularly core modules, more history written by and about women. This should not be restricted to a ‘gender week’ but seen as an essential part of the intellectual content of any course.
3. To offer at least one module option for both the second and third years on Feminisms or gender studies within history.
Implementing these three points would begin the process of ensuring the University of Sussex History Department provides a fairer, more representative education.