Survivors of Sexual Assault (SOSA)

On college campuses nationwide, statistics denote that 1-in-5 college aged women will be sexually assaulted before their graduation. At Gannon University, there is not a survivor’s group for victims of sexual assault.
For our project, we propose the creation of a Survivor’s of Sexual Assault (SOSA) group which would be facilitated through Health & Counseling Services at Gannon. If a student went to complete an intake appointment at Health & Counseling to report that they were a victim of sexual assault, we would hope this group would serve as a safe place for them to connect with other students, faculty, or staff members who were also coping with a similar situation. We suggest that the group be advised by a professional Health & Counseling staff member who would be able to facilitate meaningful conversation about sexual assault on college campuses. Although there are services available in the Erie community, this would bridge the gap on our own campus.