Support the relocation of VONS to the Mervyn's Center in Palm Desert

To the members of Palm Desert City Council: We the residents of Palm Desert respectfully request, that you discontinue the stalling of the Vons proposal to relocate to the Mervyn's shopping center. Vons has shown due diligence in regards to their current lease agreement, even postphoning their project for ONE FULL YEAR to appease the current tenants & landlord, even continuing to pay rent. Further, they have committed to assisting in finding a suitable tenent to replace them in their current location. At this point it seems that the concerns of few are stopping what will be a huge benefit to the city and the majority of it's residents, not to mention viable revenue to the city. Your hesitation is merely a "stalemate", and now should be considered bad business. The residents and business owners alike, have shown solid and overwhelming support of this relocation, only to be held up by petty "monkey wrench" type disapproval of minor details. The new project would not only fill and 3 year "eye-sore" at the entrance to the city, but fulfill a need of the South/East area of Rancho Mirage residents as well. The complaints from the few residents currently living close to the current location are virtually unsubstantiated, as the NEW location is a mere ONE MILE from the current location. As residents and concerned citizens of this fine city, we are now demanding a YES vote from all member of the council at the next meeting. Sincerely, Palm Desert Voters