Support The Rage - A Film by Robert Kurtzman

To: All Film Distribution Companies We (Fans of Horror movies) are literally DYING to see Robert Kurtzman\'s new film *The Rage *(the most awsome old-school horror film in ages!) released to the general public as soon as possible. It is our desire to see The Rage to go wide-release in theaters and drive-ins across the country, it would literally be a dream come true for people who genuinely admire a good, scary as well as fun horror movie. I think you would be surprised how popular this genre is today among the younger horror film buffs, as well as the older set that grew up with such films as Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Candyman, Wishmaster, etc. We believe that the turn-out will be huge (you may want to check MySpace, Yahoo Horror/Horror Convention websites for reviews from the critics and fans who have seen the film and/or the trailers. Please take the time to at least read the reviews, chat with some fans, watch the trailers and speak to those who took the time and effort to make the movie - and release this movie nation-wide (or even world wide). We feel that due to Robert Kurtzman\'s amazing talent, Andrew Divoff\'s large fan base, the fine supporting actors and actresses in the film and the creative team at Precinct 13, that this movie will do excellent at the box office, as the reviews that have been written about The Rage have all been very poitive. It\'s time to bring back the fun in watching a good horror flick - not just poor re-makes of the classics and the newer *gore fests* that have no other purpose than to try to *out-shock* the last film released. Although these newer films each have entertaining moments - they are lacking the element of *fun* that once brought fans out in droves to theaters and drive-ins to see the newest creation. Please, for the fans! Thanking you in advance! Sincerely,