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Ever gone out for the night, woke up in a strange bed and wondered how you got there It happened to me and I was surrounded by several women in nurse\'s uniforms, unfortunately it was a single bed in the intensive care unit, but it was a lovely dream while it lasted. The night In question had begun on the 22 nd of September 2001, and I arrived for work as usual at 6.30pm. My shift didn\'t start until 7pm, but I always arrived early to check the vehicle over. This night the lead vehicle was still out, so I along with my crewmate on that night checked and prepared the second vehicle. The phone rang for our first call shortly after 7pm and another Saturday night began. The first two calls were pretty uneventful. The one that has completely reshaped my life came through while we were still at the hospital dropping off the second patient. We worked 12-hour shifts, so we split the driving between us. We had finished with the second patient around 1am, I then took over the driving, and I had no idea that it was something I would never do again. We had the call at about 1.30am; it was to a pub called The Green Man and Blacks Head, probably the oldest pub in the Derbyshire town of ashbourne, right on the edge of the peak district, the drive was one I had done many times before. I remember that a few days before there had been several incidents of people throwing missiles at moving vehicles. No serious injuries had occurred up to that point. On the way to the call I commented to Jackie that there was a heavy police presence on the A52 into Derby, I said it was probably because of the attacks. At 2.45am I was another victim of their attacks On the way into hospital with my partner, the patient and his friend in the back of the ambulance, person or persons unknown had thrown a lump of concrete weighing 10 Lbs through our windscreen knocking me out. The vehicle carried on until it crashed through a hedge and turned on its side in a field. My partner felt helpless because due to the design of the vehicle, she was not able to get to me to assist me in anyway. I\'m told I was lucky to survive. After I lost consciousness my partner the patient and his girlfriend were all in the back of the vehicle as it rolled on to its side. I do not know how badly they were injured, and for obvious reasons this information was kept from me. My injuries were pretty severe and I had to learn to walk again due to the brain injury. In the attack I lost an eye,I also sustained multiple skull fractures needing 9 and a half hours of surgery and initially 18 plates to stabilise, (Three years later I had two plates removed and a new metal orbit inserted, making 17). I suffered brain damage, have balance, coordination and memory problems. I have received offers of