Supporting Up-Down St. Louis

An open letter to Ms. Elizabeth Heller and Ms. Hannah Roth
Ms. Roth & Ms. Heller,
We are writing to you as fellow neighbors. Much like yourselves we take great pride living in the Central West End. We all share a vested interest in our neighborhood and want to see it thrive more than anyone else. Our neighborhood is a beacon of what can be accomplished in the City and with continued investment we hope it will retain its allure.
That allure is the responsibility of all of us who live and invest in the area to protect. It is our duty to ensure that our neighborhood maintains a healthy balance between living and entertainment. While we admire your determination in this effort, it is apparent that many of us feel it is misguided and unrepresentative of the larger community that lives near McPherson and Euclid. Those of us who have signed this letter feel very strongly that Up-Down will represent a positive addition to the neighborhood. Instead of debating our opinions, which both have their merits, we urge you to take a step back and consider that they have complied with all necessary lawful obligations which have been upheld by Judge Moriarty and the City of St. Louis. They have also demonstrated a willfulness to openly discuss their plans with anyone in the neighborhood and continue that dialogue as they operate. Further litigation would be a loss for all parties involved.
True to the spirit of our neighborhood’s history, the fear of the unknown should never preclude investment in the Central West End. Just as any other business, Up-Down will be held accountable to the same laws and ordinances. We urge you to reconsider your intent to appeal Judge Moriarty’s decision so that we can move forward as a neighborhood and continue to grow
Your Concerned Neighbors