Safe Nurse Staffing: Support HB 445
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Most people don't realize it, but
hospitals today are typically understaffed.As the number of patients under a nurse's
care increases, so does the chance of death for the patient.
The Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses
recommends a med-surg nurse take up 4 patients.Today, nurses take care of up to 10
patients, and there is no legal limit, except in California.Staffing appropriately saves
In New Mexico we are working for safe
staffing levels statewide. House Bill 445 would:
Allow bedside care nurses to recommend how many patients they can reasonably manage
Mandate hospitals report publicly. Potential customers can make informed decisions on where to go for care
Provide whistleblower protection for nurses who report unsafe staffing
Mandate hospitals report publicly. Potential customers can make informed decisions on where to go for care
Provide whistleblower protection for nurses who report unsafe staffing
Sign our petition and support House Bill 445.
National Union of Hospital and Healthcare Workers. District 1199 New Mexico. AFSCME -- AFL-CIO
Read the bill: www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/13%20Regular/bills/house/HB0445.pdf
Please contact your New Mexico legislator and ask for support on HB 445Legislator Locator: www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/district_geocoder.aspx
For more information contact: nmsafestaffingcoalition@yahoo.com
------ Supporting links ----------------There are many links that describe the problem, and solutions.In March 2011, Dr. Jack Needleman and colleagues published findings in the New England Journal of Medicine, which indicate that insufficient nurse staffing was related to higher patient mortality
Lower nurse-patient ratios on medical and surgical units were associated with significantly lower patient mortality rates. The study is titled “Implications of the California Nurse Staffing Mandate on Other States.” www.nursing.upenn.edu/chopr/Documents/Aiken.2010.CaliforniaStaffingRatios.pdf
Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality,” the researchers also found that when a nurse’s workload increases because of high patient turnover, mortality risk also increases.