Support Conservative Voices on the SBOE with Map E118

Due to ipetitions charging money for this "Free Online Service".... the petition has been moved to the link below. Please go to the link below to enter your signature! http://austinreteaparty.com/Signthepetition.aspx I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. Just goes to prove we are grassroots and learning about the process all the time! Thank you for your support and with your signature at http://austinreteaparty.com/Signthepetition.aspx We will Take Back Texas one vote, signature and call at a time!
TO VIEW THE MAP http://gis1.tlc.state.tx.us/
To Contact the Senate Redistricting Committee Members, see names/numbers below:
Committee Chair – Sen. Seliger
(512) 463-0131
Committee VC – Sen. Gallegos
(512) 463-0106
Sen. Carona (512) 463-0116
Sen. Eltife (512) 463-0101
Sen. Estes (512) 463-0130
Sen. Fraser (512) 463-0124
Sen. Hinojosa (512) 463-0120
Sen. Huffman (512) 463-0117
Sen. Lucio (512) 463-0127
Sen. Wentworth (512) 463-0125
Sen. West (512) 463-0123
Sen. Williams (512) 463-0104
Sen. Zaffirini (512) 463-0121
Sen. Patrick (512) 463-0107
More Senators to Contact:
Sen. Birdwell (512) 463-0122
Sen. Deuell (512) 463-0102
Sen. Duncan (512) 463-0128
Sen. Harris (512) 463-0109
Sen. Hegar (512) 463-0118
Sen. Jackson (512) 463-0111
Sen. Nelson (512) 463-0112
Sen. Nichols (512) 463-0103
Sen. Ogden (512) 463-0105
Sen. Shapiro (512) 463-0108