Support Christmas

Dear Retailers: We, the undersigned, are writing to express our sincerest concerns about your store\'s policy towards the recognition of Christmas -- or, rather, the lack thereof. While some may dispute our claims that the historical and religious significance of this very special holiday is being assaulted and suppressed by atheists and secular activists promoting a political agenda for a faithless society, the examples of this taking place are too numerous to lack legitimacy. Unfortunately, the most visible examples are being witnessed in the retail marketplace. From promotions and products to store displays and sales clerk greetings, \"Merry Christmas\" is steadily being replaced by \"Happy Holidays.\" And a few merchants are reportedly going so far as renaming a Christmas tree a \"Holiday Tree.\" Why Some are suggesting this new practice is in order to be more \"inclusive,\" but since when has this become necessary Christmas has been officially recognized and celebrated in America for over 150 years and, by some historical records, even since the first settlers arrived. Today, over 80% of Americans celebrate Christmas as identified Christians, and this includes our nation\'s largest (and growing) immigrant population: Latinos. In total, reportedly 95% of Americans celebrate Christmas as the accepted year-end holiday for gift-giving. As a celebration shared by countless millions around the world, since when has Christmas been exclusive That would be like saying Hanukkah and Ramadan are exclusive. They are both sacred holidays, but anyone may participate. And since when have the demands of the few dictated to the majority This is America, a democracy and a land founded by the blood of revolutionaries, sacrificing their lives to fight against oppression. Our Declaration of Independence as well as our Constitution make significant references to our \"Creator.\" The Founders were men of faith and devotion, and their pursuit of liberty included freedom of -- not from -- religion. Our nation was solidly built upon Judeo-Christian principles, and we must not foresake our heritage. By not seeing the word Christmas, do you honestly believe people will, for some reason, buy more \"holiday\" ornaments for their \"holiday\" tree, under which they\'ll place their \"holiday\" presents, for which they\'re shopping in your store while listening to \"holiday\" songs like the \"Twelve Days of Holiday\" and wishing each other the PC-approved \"Happy Holidays.\" Or wouldn\'t people buy all these things anyway, as they always have If a competitor undersells, do you always drop your prices That\'s called a race for the bottom. It leads to a dead-end of reduced margins. It\'s not good business. The same applies to abandoning Christmas simply because you believe renaming the holiday will sell more. In the long run, this will backfire. Finally, major retailers must show respect for their shareholders as well as their shoppers. Your organization must follow standards and adhere to founding principles, and you know that customers will continue to shop in your store because of the values they find. And your investors trust that your business does well by doing good. By denying the recognition of Christmas, you are intentionally turning away from tradition and, effectively, being complicit in creating an America that no longer resembles the land in which you, most probably, grew up. Hopefully, you have fond memories of Christmas shopping, decorating the Christmas tree, giving and receiving Christmas gifts and wishing others Merry Christmas. Please don\'t steal this custom away from American families by failing to acknowledge it. Don\'t allow your organization to serve the purposes of political activists. Investors and consumers reward innovation, and punish mistakes. But that\'s just a business perspective. In closing, as you reflect on our words, remember that every holiday inherently implies an event or something of significance behind it. Christmas is the reason for this season. (Abbreviated; full version here http://www.californiaconservative.org/p=1627) Very sincerely,