Rodney and Amy Ellis 0

We Support Bob Jarrett as Eastern Wrestling Coach

47 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rodney and Amy Ellis 0 Comments
47 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello Wrestling families:     As you have probably heard, Coach Bob Jarrett had an emotional conversation with administration and while emotional he verballized his resignation!  We do not want this to happen, and Bob wants to remain our coach!!  We have to quickly and appropriately show our support for our Coach.     Bob is a hall of fame coach and has taught the boys in our program so much in the past two years.  Our program is growing and improving due to his leadership, we have wrestlers wanting to transfer to our school because he is our coach.  We have two sectional wins under his first two years with us and there are many more to come.  The boys wrestling respect him as a man and a coach and is the type of leader that I want my son to have.  He gets results on and off of the mat and is making a difference.    I believe that the vast majority of our wrestling families are in major support of Bob. My understanding is that we have one family that is dissatisfied and has been the "squeaky wheel" and are being heard.  I do not believe this is the majority.  If you feel as we do, please sign our petition and put your letters or comments.  We will be attending the school board meeting in June.  We have contacted administrators and school board members to show our support.   Bob did not officially give a written resignation but is now having to reinterview for the position along with other applicants. I want to show our support in a very positive and professional manner.  I don't think that getting angry and nasty will serve us well.    Please email as a parent, as a wrestler-(parents have your wrestlers send an email in their words), or as a wrestling supporter.   Dr Caddell and the school board needs to know there is support from the youth level to the varsity level.    Thank you for your support! Rodney and Amy Ellis   Please forward this to other wrestlers and their families for their support as well! 


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