Support Mr Adams

Outcome: Mr Adams has been reinstated. Thank you to all involved. Mr Adams had this do say: Dear All, I am delighted to report that the outcome of the Governors Disciplinary panel has been my immediate re-instatement, and that nothing has been added to my record. I would like to give my unreserved thanks to all those who have supported me, and especially to those who have worked to set up petitions and rally students, and parents. I am sure your efforts had a direct bearing on the outcome I would also like to state, and would be grateful if you would pass this on, and acknowledge the support that I have received from the headmaster. His hands were tied by the procedures, which he has to follow, in his suspension of me. It makes as little sense to him, as it does me or any other right thinking person, but these are the times in which we live. Please believe me when I say the headmaster has the best interests of the school at heart and we should support him. Again, my heart felt thanks. Kevin NOTE: Please do NOT sign both the online AND written petition, sign one only. This is very important. Anyone can sign this petition - pupil, old boy, parent or friend. Please spread this petition by email, MSN, facebook, myspace, word of mouth, the possibilities are endless! To The Chair of the Governors, We, the undersigned, agree wholeheartedly that Mr Adams is an enormous asset, not liability, to the King