TO: MDNR, USACE, USFS, NEPA NORTHMET MINING PROJECT AND LAND EXCHANGE "Historically in America there have been 2 ways out of poverty. In the decades after World War II, good wages for factory workers offered an upward path for people who were born poor and wanted to do better than their parents. You could graduate from high school at the top of your class, bottom, or not at all; if you showed up smart, eager and ready to work, you could earn a wage that would let you support your family. That way out is ending. The median wage for workers with no college in now close to the poverty line for a family of four. But that doen't really capture the problem. It's not just that the wages are shrinking; the jobs are vanishing. No country has the resources to gaurantee a livelihood for people who aren't willing to work hard. But nothing is more damaging to a country than to have millions of young people with no opportunities. In any society, there will be some who perform well and other's do not. But in a strong society, those differences are determined by the people's talent and energy and not by the income of their parents". Melinda Gates The following signatures are a show of SUPPORT FOR MOVING UP the timeline for the Land Exchange, SEIS, FEIS and the permits for the Northmet Project submitted by Polymet Mining. Minnesota has a great chance to create an economy of scale starting with non-ferrous mining on the iron range. Polymet Mining has agreed to establish financial assurances and follow the 37 pages of rules and regulations now in place to address any environmental issue that may arise. An independent company, DPRA, will make the assesment for financial assurances that will protect the people of Minnesota. The Tax Base from this mine will be a huge positive in these trying times. The economic benefits will help stabilize the area. Polymet Mining has shown by the high quality of land to be exchanged that they are being responsible professionally. We all must allow humanity to have the chance to progress. Let us give an opportunity for prosperity to the next generations that are willing to work for it. The following elected officials have shown and voiced overwhelming support for the Northmet Project: U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar U.S. Senator James Oberstar State Senator David Tommasoni State Senator Tom Bakk State Senator Tom Saxhaug House Majority Leader Anthony Sertich House Representative Tom Anzelc House Representative Loren Solberg House Representative David Dill House Representative Tom Rukavina Mayor of Hibbing Rick Wolf Mayor of Hoyt Lakes Marlene Pospeck Mayor of Aurora Mary Hess City Administrator of Babbitt Peter Pastika As well as the following respective groups/individuals: Ernest Lehman Franconia Minerals David Oliver Duluth Metals Kelly Payne Kennecott Margaret Hodnik Minnesota Power Lory Fedo Hibbing Chamber of Commerce Bud Stone Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce David Ross Duluth Chamber of Commerce Greg Olson Duluth Trades and Labor John Grahek Range Building Trades Ann Glumac Glumac Executive Enterprise Governor Tim Pawlenty Appointees: Iron Range Rescourses Commissioner Sandy Layman Commissioner of Department of Employment and Economic Development Dan McElroy SUPPORT FOR MOVING UP the timeline for the Land Exchange, SEIS, FEIS and the permits for the Northmet Project .