Support the Fair Trade Movement at JCU

Fellow Fair Trade Advocates, In mid February that Fair Trade Interns discovered large boxes of Folgers Coffee in the Aramark Catering Kitchen. As you all may know, an agreement was created with Aramark in April of 2008 regarding the use of Fair Trade Certified Coffee. In terms of catering services it states, "We will continue to offer Fair Trade coffee in Schott and will use it for Catering events. Catering customers will be able to opt for non-Fair Trade coffee by special request." Over the past several months the Fair Trade Interns, through meetings with JCU officials and Aramark, have discovered that 49 cases of Folgers Coffee were purchased between April 2008 and February 2009 and that 42 of those cases have been used though Aramark Catering Services. Aramark officials reported that 42 cases of Folgers Coffee would equal over 700 urns of Folgers Coffee that have been brewed by Aramark Catering. According to JCU and Aramark, based on analysis of a sample from catering orders from Fall 2008, no customers requested non Fair Trade Certified Coffee. This means that in some cases Folgers Coffee was used in Aramark catering orders that should have been Fair Trade. Additional Information to Note: Aramark did not increase the price of coffee on catering orders for Fair Trade Certified Coffee after the 2008 Fair Trade Agreement was made. Therefore, anyone who ordered Fair Trade Certified Coffee through Aramark Catering from April of 2008 through February of 2009 did not pay an increased price for coffee, Aramark incured the extra cost. Action Steps: 1. Sign this online petition of support to bring more Fair Trade Products to our dining hall and cafes.