"Trenton Tucker is not a threat to any child".

"Trenton Tucker is not a threat to any child". This petition has been started for Trenton Tucker. In 2009 Trenton was charged with Statutory Rape charges, and will have to register as a sex offender for the remainder of his life. Trent has served 3 years for this crime, and is scheduled to be home around May 2013. Trenton, and four other boys had sexual intercourse with a girl who was underage, who had actually admitted to lying about her age, the sex with all 5 of the boys was consensual and she did not want to press charges, but her family were the ones who persued it, because they did not approve of her actions. Out of the total of 5 boys, Trenton and another boy were also the same age, (age 18)..but Trenton is the only one who has served time for this. That is unjustice. This petition is to re-open his case, so that he does not have to register as a sex offender, and will be allowed to be around his son, and anyone who is under the age of 18 for that matter. This petition is also to find justice for every offender who falls into this category of statutory rape. Us Texas residents want the classification to change for these certain offenders. We understand the law requires to not have sex with an underage person. It happens everyday, a lot of people just dont get in trouble for it. We want to change this law and for it to be named after this young man, (The Trenton Law). Us Texas residents want to know more about these so called sex offenders, we feel that it is necessary for us to know more about these people and their cases, so part of the Trenton law is for it to be assigned only to the offenders who have been prosecuted for STATUTORY RAPE, we would like to see the age of the minor & of the offender when we research this person, because WE WANT TO BE BE THE JUDGE OF WHETHER WE FEEL THAT THIS PERSON IS A TRUE SEX OFFFENDER OR JUST SIMPLY MADE A COMMONLY MISTAKE! The Trenton Law will be assigned to only the offenders who have been affected by the charges of statutory rape. So many of our young men in Texas are having their life's and futures slaughtered because they had sex with a minor who consented to doing so. We want to give these young men the justice they deserve not only for them, but for their family, their loved ones, and for their future! We ask that only people who truly agree with this petition to sign!