Support the Corbin/Post Road Project

Hello Fellow Supporters of the Corbin/Post Road Project!
As you may know, public hearings have already been held for the downtown redevelopment project proposed by David Genovese and Penny Glassmeyer. A discussion by the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held at 8 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 6th in Room 206 of the Darien Town Hall. No additional verbal support from the public will be heard at this meeting. The vote will most likely be at the September 20th meeting.
To show support for the efforts of Penny and David, we are planning to buy a full page ad in the Darien Times for the September 15th issue. Due to the space constraints of a full page ad, we guesstimate that only about 500 names can appear within the ad even though we are well aware of many, many hundreds more names. If you would like your name(s) to appear in the ad, please respond to sign this petition by September 10th and include your name(s) as you want it to appear.
If you choose not to have your name(s) published, merely do not respond to this email. This list will remain confidential and you will not receive any other emails from us.
The cost of the ad will be paid for by the Drimal, Gogolak and Suhler families. We will be identified only as Friends of the Corbin/Post Road Project.
The text of the ad will read as follows:
To: Planning and Zoning Commission, the Town of Darien
First, we want to thank you as our Commissioners for giving the town your time and your expertise. It is incredibly important to have dedicated volunteers to keep watch over this exceptional town. We all take great pride in our schools, our incredible venue along the Connecticut shoreline and our proximity to New York City.
In the past decade, our downtown has become more vibrant. Many new merchants and restaurants have opened which were spearheaded by Penny Glassmeyer and David Genovese. As local residents and builders, they have kept the ambience of Darien while also giving us a transformation. Perhaps a Renaissance?
Darien now has a unique opportunity to continue to refine downtown Darien which will benefit all residents with the Corbin/Post Road Project.
Why do we support this Project?
- This approach is entirely consistent with the Town Plan of Conservation and Development. It has been designed by the renowned firm of Robert AM Stern Architects.
- It will improve the flow of vehicular traffic in town as well as safety, enhance the pedestrian experience and create a significant town green.
- Taxpayers will benefit from a sizeable increase in the business tax base with an estimated increase of $3.5 million—not to be taken lightly.
- Analysis and input from realtors tell us that this project will have a significant and positive impact on residential property values.
- The Corbin/Post Road Project will help strengthen existing local businesses and restaurants and will attract other high quality retailers.
- It keeps long-time residents in town for in-town living space as well as adding to affordable housing.
- The plan improves in-town flow of traffic with Market Lane and allows for multiple parking options off the Boston Post Road.
Yes, it’s exciting. And something beautiful could happen in Darien.
The following residents are but a few of the hundreds and hundreds of names of supporters of the Corbin/Post Road Project.