Friends, Clients, Family, Sandy Springs Residents, Etc . . .
If you believe children should learn life-saving swim skills an early age so they are safe in and around the water - please sign below to support my business, Swim With Allison.
The City of Sandy Springs has issued me a business license over the last 4 years,however, they have refused to issue me one this year, barring me from teaching swimming at my residence. Apparently, the criteria for a home-based business is that it must take place “within the dwelling.” While I am still unsure why this is the first time I have been made aware of this change, the City is unwilling, even given the precedent set over the last few years, to grant any exceptions to this ordinance. I NEED YOUR HELP to get this ordinance amended to allow me to continue teaching from my home.
(You likely all know some other unlicensed swim instructors who wouldn’t have this issue but since I have done it legally and licensed, the City has power.)
I teach out of my home in the Riverside Neighborhood and have literally taught hundreds of kids in nearby schools.
If you want more information, please reach out to Coach Allison. There are many additional ways you can support this effort!