Support our students!

As a concerned high school student, I start this petition to send to the MLA with a detailed letter explaining that us students don't deserve to be punished as well. Work to rule takes away many of the things us students need and look forward too. By taking these away school will not be enjoyable and students will no longer want to go. By continuing work to rule, it could very easily change students futures and not push students to chase their dreams.
Work to rule means;
Sports, dances, or any extracurricular activities will be cancelled.
Don't attend any meetings before school, during prep time, during lunch break or after school. Teachers can meet individually with parents or guardians if the teacher deems it necessary.
Don't participate in school breakfast programs unless it's for supervision during the 20 minutes before the start of the day.
Teachers aren't to go to their schools in the evening or on weekends.
Unless it's for a health and safety matter, teachers are not to update school or class websites or e-newsletters.
Extracurricular activities during school time will be cancelled.
Teachers won't plan or organize guest speakers or presentations, plan or organize fundraising activities or supervise students during lunch break.
No extra help will be offered before or after school or during lunchtime.
Paperwork required by the Education Department or school board will not be handed out and no data entry will be performed.
Teachers will not participate in professional development provided by the department or board other than mandatory first-aid and workplace safety training.
Teachers will not accept or supervise student teachers, fill out assessments from external agencies unless required by law or fill out forms or surveys from the department or board.
Teachers with tutoring businesses should not continue tutoring students.
Teachers with administrative duties aren't to organize professional development on in-service days, conduct walk-throughs in classrooms for observation of teachers or data gathering.
Teachers with administrative duties also aren't to participate in building maintenance and operations with board staff unless it's related to safety.
No participation in school advisory councils or parent group meetings unless it's required due to an appeal of student discipline.